HR Payroll Management System Features
- Monthly Payroll
- Auto Generate Payroll Month
- Update/Delete/Publish Existing Payroll Month
- Log of every performed action
- Salary Template Group
- Add New Salary Group (VC, Treasurer, Staff, etc.)
- Update/ Delete Existing Salary Group.
- Add /Edit/Delete Salary Field to specific Salary Group.
- Log of every performed action.
- Salary Head Details.
- Add/Edit Salary Head Details. (Basic Salary, Allowance, Deduction head. Etc.)
- Set Default Value (fixed/ % of basic/gross).
- Log of every performed action.
- Individual Employee’s Salary Settings
- Add New Increment / Promotion Salary History
- Update Current Salary Settings.
- Auto generate salary field’s value. (Basic salary is 62% of gross, etc.).
- Exclude any salary field from the auto deduction.
- Exclude One’s Salary from auto-generation.
- Add New Salary Field and Value for specific month/person.
- Log of every performed action.
- Monthly Payroll Reports
- Individual Employee’s Monthly Salary Print.
- Individual Employee’s Yearly Salary Statement.
- Salary Group-wise Monthly Summary Report.
- Monthly Details Salary Report with Employees necessary Information.
- Dean & HODs Allowance Details Report.
- Special Allowance Details Report.
- Monthly Salary Summary of every employee with Bank Details.
- Dean & HODs Allowance Monthly Payment Advice Report.
- Special Allowance Monthly Payment Advice Report.
- Yearly Summary Details.
- Monthly Salary Generator Manager.
- Generate Monthly Salary of a specific month.
- Auto Generate Loan Deduction.
- Auto Generate Absent, Late, under time, Overtime Amount.
- Salary/Honorarium/Bonus/Loan/Deduction Management
- Add new addition or deduction for a specific month.
- Update existing value if necessary.
- Bulk Update Any salary field.
- Generate Monthly Salary as a draft.
- Log of every performed action.
- Individual Employee’s Monthly Salary Generating.
- Generate Monthly Salary of a specific month for a specific Person from his/her profile.
- Add new addition or deductions for a specific month.
- Update existing value if necessary.
- Generate Loans for a specific Month.
- Generate Monthly Salary as a draft.
- Delete and Re-generate monthly salary if necessary.
- Log of every performed action.
- Loan Management.
- Add New Loan for any employee.
- Set Loan Adjust start month (From which month loan adjust will start).
- Update existing Loan if necessary.
- Auto Loan deduction in every month.
- Loan Generate History.
- Auto Start and complete the loan after full adjustment.
- Delete existing Loan.
- Log of every performed action.
Cloud Attendance Management Module And Online Leave Management
- Calendar Year
- Add New Calender Year
- Update/Delete Existing Calendar
- Set Weekly Holidays for the year
- Log of every performed action
- Holiday Management.
- Add new Holidays.
- Edit/Delete Existing Holiday.
- Override an existing Holiday to a working day for all employees.
- Holiday List with multiple filtering options.
- Log of every performed action.
- Leave Allocation Template
- Add New Leave Allocation Group
- Update/ Delete Existing Leave Allocation
- Set daily working hours’ group-wise
- Log of every performed action.
- Shifting Template
- Add New Shifting (Weekly, Weekly Roster, Monthly Roster).
- Update/ Delete Existing Shifting Group,
- Day-wise different office starts and end times setting option.
- Different Weekly Holiday setup options.
- Log of every performed action.
- Individual Employee wise Shifting
- Add New Employee Shifting (Weekly, Weekly Roster, Monthly Roster).
- Load and set-shifting from Shifting Template/Group.
- Set different Shifting for different semesters
- Update/ Delete Existing Employee Wise Shifting
- Day-wise different office start and end times setting option.
- Different Weekly Holiday setup options.
- Log of every performed action
- Leave Application
- Add/Approve Leave Application
- Download/Remove Attached Reference/Medical Document.
- Two-step supervisor set option and recommendation in two steps.
- Reject/Delete Leave Application
- Paid/Unpaid Leave Management
- Log of every performed action
- Movement Application.
- Add/Approve Movement Application
- Reject/Delete Movement Application
- Log of every performed action
- Employee wise holiday/working Day override.
- Add any days as holiday for a specific employee.
- Set up a working day for specific employee in a holiday.
- Add different office start/end time for a specific day.
- Log of every performed action.
- Attendance Device Integration
- Attendance Device Management.
- Biometric, RF ID Attendance
- Automatic Live Attendance Integration with Device
- Upload attendance Excel directly from the attendance device.
- Manually Add/Update Attendance
- Update/Remove mistaken attendance.
- Auto Attendance Deduction Based on Leaves.
- Auto Late, Overtime, Under time deduction Based on attendance.
- Attendance error log store and resync.
- Log of every performed action.
- Attendance Reports
- Individual Employee’s Monthly Attendance Report.
- All Employee Date Wise Attendance Summary Report.
- All Employee Detail Attendance Report.
- Department Wise Attendance Summary Report.
- Auto Attendance deduction on absent Management Report.
HR: Online Self-Service Portal
- Apply for Leave/Movement from Online Portal.
- Mandatory Medical Document upload for medical leave application.
- Reference Document Upload needed if apply for leave more than 3 days.
- Sandwich Leave Application Logic Added.
- Can Approve/Reject Leave/Movement application as Supervisor from Online.
- Can review his/her Monthly Pay-slip from Employee’s Online portal.
- Can view his/her Monthly Attendance Report.
- Can view Attendance report of employee’s, under his/her Supervision.
- Can view Previous Salary, Leave/Movement Application, and Attendance history.