Return On Investment (ROI)

Return On Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment of ‘Scholar’


Reduced Operating Expense

Reduced Hourly Cost Per Employee

Improved Student Supports

Shrinkage Reduction

Increase Student’s Performance

Reduce Number of employees.

Increase student’s performance.

Information Collaboration

Scalability and integration University.

Reduced time to get benefit.

Make Teaching & learning More Interesting And Goal Oriented.

Save The Teaching and Learning Time of Teachers and Students

Save The Efforts, Time, Resources of The Institute

Less Paper Works.

Students Records Can Maintained

Improves Efficiency by Eliminating Human Errors

Consumes Less Time to Perform Various Tasks

Reduced Time to Get Benefit

Reduced Inventory, Number of Employees

Events & Gallery

iEMS Signing Ceremony With GB
A memorandum of understanding between Gono Bishwabidyalay and Pipilika Soft for Universi
iEMS Signing Ceremony With BAUET
A memorandum of understanding between Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Techno
iEMS Signing Ceremony With BUHS
A memorandum of understanding between Bangladesh University Of Health Sciences(BUHS) and
iEMS Signing Ceremony With IUS
A memorandum of understanding between THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCHOLARS (IUS) and
iEMS Signing Ceremony With EUB
A memorandum of understanding between European University of Bangladesh (EUB) and Pipilika
IEMS Signing Ceremony With Feni University
A memorandum of understanding between Feni University (FU) and Pipilika Soft for Univers
iEMS Signing Ceremony With SMUCT
A memorandum of understanding between Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology (S
Jahangirnagar University (JU) Central Admission Sy
A memorandum of understanding between Jahangirnagar University (JU) and Pipilika Soft fo
Inauguration Ceremony With BAUET
An inauguration ceremony Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET)
iEMS Signing Ceremony With Trauma Center Medical I
A contract signing ceremony between Trauma Center Medical Institutes (TCMI) and Pipilika
iEMS Signing Ceremony With AKMU
A memorandum of understanding between Anwer Khan Modern University (AKMU) and Pipilika S
iEMS Signing Ceremony With UCA
A memorandum of understanding between United College Of Aviation Science & Management (U