University Education Management Software Overview

University Education Management Software Overview

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Pipilika Soft is the Best Education ERP Student Management Automation Software Provider in Bangladesh. They have Student Education Management Software for University, School, College, Polytechnic Institute, Medical College, National University, Nursing Diploma, Madrasah etc.

Why you are here with our University Management Software?

We have been working for a long period of time to digitalize and automate the student online education management system or education ERP system of any School, College, University, Diploma/Polytechnic Institute, Medical College and Nursing College providing the best possible solution and efficient way to handle all the system from a single, easy “Controller”.

Do You Facing Below Problems to Manage your University or Institutions?

  • Are you Investing time in data collection, management and excessive paperwork?
  • Are you Facing problem of huge capital investment for your multiple software?
  • Are you Unable to generate and analyze Comprehensive Report at various levels?
  • Are you Troubled by lack of Accountability & Transparency?
  • Are you facing problem by management in consolidated data across programs?
  • Are you investing much time or manpower for work, due to manual or old system?
  • Do you Want to evaluate Students, Faculty & Staffs performance?
  • Do you Want single platform of communication for students, faculties, staffs and management?
  • Do you Wish to have efficient and effective resource management?
  • Do you Want a scalable & reliable platform for activities across department?
  • Do you Want to manage your institution efficiently and smoothly?
  • Do you want to digitalize your university?
  • Finding it difficult to manage various database for different department?

We have Solution for Your Institutions:

Our University Management Software is the complete enterprise student education management software for School, College, Universities, Diploma/Polytechnic Institutes, Medical Colleges and Nursing Colleges looking to automate their student’s Academic and Administrative processes. This comprehensive suite streamlines complete student life cycle from inquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes such as Inventory, Hostel, Library, Human Resources etc.

Our University Management Software is the latest generation university automation or best university ERP system that combines the application expertise of many years. It provides all the features to execute wide range of Academic, Student, Administrative, Security, Services and maintain all from a single database. The software is simple to use and more friendly.

The software is based on enterprise web portal software for the realization of presentation tier and web services for interconnection between middle tiers. The implementation is flexible and scalable, by means of using open and popular technologies for enterprise application development and integration. The important feature of our university management software is spreading the work of applications for distributed automation over large distances which comprises of many campuses and centers.

  • Its a Online Central management software for all of your different Department.
  • Role Based permission management and IP/PC based user access applied for control and monitor separate working area.
  • Modern standard Data security applied for all kind vulnerability, Hacking and Data Loss.
  • The software is robust & scalable for as many User, Disk space and processing unit as your institution’s need.


  • Student Management Portal
  • Guardian Management Portal
  • Teacher Management Portal
  • Class Schedule Management
  • Mark Breakdown Management
  • Import Data from Excel
  • Automatic Result Processing Management
  • Class Material Upload
  • Class Notice
  • Class Routine Generate Management
  • Exam Management
  • Online Application Management
  • Online Assignment Upload
  • Any Type Of Report Generate
  • Security & Maintained Management
  • Tabulation Sheet Generate Management
  • Id Card Generate Management
  • Email/ SMS Notification Management
  • Course Advising Management
  • Online Course Registration Management
  • Automatic Tuition Fee Calculate Management
  • Pay-slip Generate Management
  • Online Payment Management
  • HR & Inventory Management
  • Employee Management
  • Salary Generate Management
  • Accounts Management Module
  • Payment Collection Management
  • Document Management
  • Library Management
  • Procurement, Alumni & Hostel Management

An Online Education Management Software is a complete solution for all education institutions requirements and can be customized as per need. It is also a planning tool that will suggest you the best way to do the same task in a better way to manage Universities and other educational institutions.

Pipilika Soft’s Integrated Education Management System (IEMS) is the Bangladesh’s top education management software and skills evolutionary complete ERP or Automation software. Our aim is providing you the best management module, best teacher management module, a complete exam management module, result processing management software and your entire Accounts Management System. We believe with the best education management software can help enhance teaching and learning and share in the common goal of striving for positive clinical outcomes. Our strategy is to have an impact on higher education, which will benefit both academics and administrators.

It’s an absolute dynamic Education Management Software so that Universities, Medical Colleges, Diploma/Polytechnic Institute, Nursing College, School/College and any other Educational Institutions can use this advance software. University can use this as University Management Software. Medical Colleges can use this as Medical College Management System, School and College can use this as School/college Management Software.

Events & Gallery

iEMS Signing Ceremony With GB
A memorandum of understanding between Gono Bishwabidyalay and Pipilika Soft for Universi
iEMS Signing Ceremony With BAUET
A memorandum of understanding between Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Techno
iEMS Signing Ceremony With BUHS
A memorandum of understanding between Bangladesh University Of Health Sciences(BUHS) and
iEMS Signing Ceremony With IUS
A memorandum of understanding between THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCHOLARS (IUS) and
iEMS Signing Ceremony With EUB
A memorandum of understanding between European University of Bangladesh (EUB) and Pipilika
IEMS Signing Ceremony With Feni University
A memorandum of understanding between Feni University (FU) and Pipilika Soft for Univers
iEMS Signing Ceremony With SMUCT
A memorandum of understanding between Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology (S
Jahangirnagar University (JU) Central Admission Sy
A memorandum of understanding between Jahangirnagar University (JU) and Pipilika Soft fo
Inauguration Ceremony With BAUET
An inauguration ceremony Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET)
iEMS Signing Ceremony With Trauma Center Medical I
A contract signing ceremony between Trauma Center Medical Institutes (TCMI) and Pipilika
iEMS Signing Ceremony With AKMU
A memorandum of understanding between Anwer Khan Modern University (AKMU) and Pipilika S
iEMS Signing Ceremony With UCA
A memorandum of understanding between United College Of Aviation Science & Management (U